Thursday, 23 February 2012


At last, after months of planning and several dummy books, I'm making a start on finals for 'Little Bird'- my major project children's book for my Degree Show! I'm working mainly in watercolours with ink but also with some screenprinted elements. Each spread will be put together on Photoshop. Here is one of my favourite images of Little Bird so far. Hope you like her!


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Illustration Friday: Fluid

I thought this week's Illustration Friday topic "Fluid" was a good opportunity to share this quick drawing of flamingos splashing around in the water I did a while ago. A scene like this will appear in the children's book I'm working on just now Little Bird.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

This little mouse is taken from a card design that I think suits different occasions. Happy Birthday, Thank You, and...Valentines Day!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Rosie and Russell

These characters have had so many name changes since I first drew them but I've decided now to call them Rosie and Russell.

They are part of the brief I was given during a project where we were paired with someone from a different year group and had to write a brief for each other. I had to design characters who were influenced by the surroundings of the house in the documentary film 'Grey Gardens.'

The story I have come up with for Rosie and Russell is that their parents have bought the run-down house to renovate and they see the house as a playground. Here are the 3 illustrations I made: